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(1992) from a partial point of view of those stations, note that they only reproduce the life styles of the North American world.\u000AThe radio programmes which the researcher listened to, dedicate more time to musical items. In some cases advice is given on general issues concerning the Christian faith, but they do not have programmes which stimulate analysis and reflexion on sociological themes which affect young people from a biblical perspective. In spite of these critics the researcher observed that the programmes of these stations have in their power the possibility of directing lots of young people and shaping their thought and behaviour in the future.\u000A5. Charismatic leadership\u000AThis is another visible feature of the NPCs. This style of leadership has rejected the traditional form on how to select pastors and govern the church. They are not elected by a consistory of general assembly of a local church. With the exception of the LDG and ICV churches the pastors started their churches on their own. They believe that God designs leaders whose authority and vision should be respected and followed by the congregation. The governing elder (recognized as \u2018apostle\u2019 in some cases) is the first among the other elders and he has the final word in the way that the local church is managed.\u000AAccording to some of the associate pastors the founding pastor is the person to whom God gave the fundamental vision (P1ICV). Generally this leader possesses a charismatic personality which leads them sometimes to assume strong type of leadership. G\u00E1lvez says that the NPCs exercise episcopal government with a body of elders as advisors. In this model they follow a vertical line which starts with the principal pastor and reaches to the cell group leader (2000: 5-6).47 Not all of these pastors agree with regard to the apostolic recognition which some of these pastors claim for themselves.\u000A47 According to G\u00E1lvez this model is inspired in Church growth model of the Yoido church of pastor Cho (2000: 5-6).\u000A 91\u000A

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