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c. Mass Media Communications\u000ARadio has been a key element in the diffusion and growth of Evangelical beliefs. The Catholic Church has copied this strategy by placing their own radio stations alongside Evangelical stations. The NPCs have used television, radio, Internet and all the technical media at their disposal. All these churches have their own website. The IFD Church owns Channel 27, which is on air twenty hours a day.\u000AChannel 23 called Enlace has the affiliation of various churches and is transmitted throughout Latin-America. The pastor of FCG transmits evangelistic segments on a secular channel. The ESH Church owns Radio Stereo Vision with 21 re-transmitters throughout the country. The manager affirmed that they have a \u2018social compromise in favour of the transformation of the nation\u2019. When asked how they expect to impact the nation, he stated that they do this through \u2018the pastor of his church preaching but also they are still searching for creative ways in which they can spread a message which will have an integral impact on the whole nation\u2019 (L11ESH). The IFD Church owns Radio Exclusiva. This station transmits Christian music, interlaced with messages from the Pastor and other preachers. Those communications tools provide spiritual support and teachings.\u000ALay people that answered the Survey of Neo-Pentecostal Entrepreneurs and Professional (SNPEP) affirmed that they received teachings to serve others to be successful in business. They summarised the themes most repeated as: a) love for ones neighbours; b) help for the needy; c) motivation for honest and efficient work; d) transforming the culture; e) to give to God and the poor in order to prosper and f) to evangelize to change the country. Stated in religious terms these teachings help them confront economic life and serve others. One professional said \u2018I do not receive teaching on how to participate in society, I receive the teaching of the bible\u2019 (L7FCG). His answer reveals that their pastors teach in religious terms which may not help professionals in their specific work situation.\u000AThe television programmes reveal the presence of North American, Latin American and local preachers. Programme content includes evangelistic sermons, constructive 139\u000A