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Table 4.2 Foundation, date and social composition\u000A   Church\u000AIglesia Cristiana Verbo\u000AICV\u000AFraternidad Cristiana de Guatemala FCG\u000AEl Shaddai\u000AESH\u000AIglesia Evang\u00E9lica Lluvias de Gracia LDG\u000AIglesia la Familia de Dios\u000AIFD\u000AIglesia Visi\u00F3n de Fe\u000AIVF\u000ASource: Interviews of Neo-Pentecostal pastors\u000A2. Ecclesiastical roots\u000AFoundation date\u000A1976\u000A1978\u000A1983\u000A1984\u000A1985\u000A1986\u000ASocial composition\u000AHigh class and especially middle class.\u000AHigh class and especially middle class.\u000AHigh class and especially middle class.\u000AWorking class and lower middle class.\u000AMiddle class, lower middle class and working class\u000AMiddle class and lower middle class.\u000A                     The Neo-Pentecostal pastors [NPS] come from different church backgrounds (Table 4.3). The LDG church was born within the context of the historical churches. The senior pastor led first the Presbyterian Church of Colonia Centroam\u00E9rica. After experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit his church grew dramatically. This phenomenon spread to other churches of the Mission to such an extent that the National Synod took measures to contain the movement. This pastor along with thirty-six leaders made up of \u2018elders\u2019 and \u2018pastors\u2019 from five churches founded the LDG after being expelled from the National Presbyterian Church. The senior pastor and the pastors which left with him were accused of Pentecostal manifestations and changing the Presbyterian doctrines (Guill\u00E9n 1997: 5).\u000AThe FCG founding pastor was formed and developed into a Pentecostal type of church, the Calvary Central Church which was fundamental in raising up leaders who founded Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal churches. He left the church to found his own church. The IVF senior pastor, a Presbyterian by background, was a disciple of Otoniel R\u00EDos Paredes the senior pastor of the Elim Central Pentecostal church. The IFG senior pastor, a former member of the Freemasons and Yoga groups, founded the Ministry for Christian Motivation after his conversion, and the project for his church grew out of this. After founding the church they acquired Channel 27 and \u2018Radio Exclusiva\u2019 which transmit their messages and other Evangelical ministries.\u000A165\u000A

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