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popular religion (1993: 35, 55). Sch\u00E4fer considers that the Evangelical Neo-Pentecostal movement and the Catholic Charismatic movement find themselves in social sectors with neo-liberal economic interests and a political programme that incorporate a Latin American version of the North Atlantic culture (1997: 141-142).\u000ASo Stoll\u2019s hypothesis needs to be analyzed critically in the light of the historical, social, political, economic, cultural and religious realities of Guatemala. Above all the researcher proposes to analyze specifically the role and religious presence of NPCs, the articulation and function of their social vision, and possible effects within Protestantism and Guatemalan society. Special attention is given to the social role and presence of the laity since they have not always received due attention. The study proposes to analyse the extent to which these churches and their laity are involved and how they participate in society to stimulate social change. The period of analysis covers the churches developed from 1976 to 2006.\u000AC. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES\u000ATo analyse the thinking of Neo-Pentecostals\u000AThis thesis proposes to analyse the social vision of the NPCs with a view to knowing and understanding how the leadership and laity think. The pastors\u2019 teaching in the churches has an important role in the formation of the faithful. There is a need to analyse the ideas and teaching they have about the social role and presence of the church. It is also important to know the social thoughts of the laity and observe to what extent they differ or follow their pastors\u2019 teaching and the doctrinal positions of their churches.\u000ATo find out what is the relationship between religious faith and social issues\u000AAn analysis will be carried out to discover how the NPL understand and relate their Christian faith to other aspects of life and their way of seeing the world through this\u000A5\u000A