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about this concept or the criteria for its appropriate application.87 Taking this into account some of the elements which stand out in Weber\u2019s model of charismatic authority will be mentioned here in order to understand the profile of the Neo-Pentecostal pastor.\u000AOne first aspect has to do with the qualities of a leader. For Weber the carrier of the \u2018charisma\u2019 should have certain exceptional qualities to distinguish him (Weber 1968 Vol. 1: 241). In the Neo-Pentecostal churches this element is crucial. The leader has to be gifted with special qualities and with power. The idea of \u2018empowerment\u2019 by the Spirit is a central part of legitimizing the leaders, as is also the demonstration of this power in their mission practice. The majority of the pastors emphasize that the baptism of the Spirit has marked their lives and leadership. They mention this experience to legitimize their spiritual and pastoral authority. The term \u2018anointing\u2019 is the most common idea used to refer to a powerful presence of the Spirit. This anointing, according to the Neo-Pentecostals, empowers the charismatic pastor and is manifested in the \u2018rhema\u2019 (or word in the power of God) which they preach, in healing and in working miracles.\u000ATheir call to the ministry came to them as a revelation of God who has them in his ministry. Pastors from other churches question this pretension because they consider that it opens the door to personal subjectivism and relativization of the Canon of Scriptures. In the Neo-Pentecostal context this anointing belongs to the charismatic pastor, and also to the membership. According to the Pentecostal model, the use of spiritual gifts is democratized. That means they break with the traditional model of the clergy of the historic churches. In some of services the researcher observed the pastors spoke in tongues and prayed that the members would have the same experience. Oscar Amat points out that \u2018the use of the charismata seems to have been the central axle of congregational growth and the proof of the supernatural power of God, are keys elements to produce a change in the content of missiological agenda\u2019 (1997: 10).\u000A87 He discusses the depth of the theme and applies his own criteria about the charisma of the South Korean pastors of the mega-churches in his doctoral thesis (2000).\u000A  169\u000A

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