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3. Autocratic leadership\u000AAmong the NPS an autocratic style of leadership can be observed where an influx of vertical authority is exercised as a part of their charismatic leadership. Their word and character in some way becomes law. In some of these circles they are treated as the \u2018anointed of the Lord\u2019. Their charismatic leadership qualities and the way the congregation commonly recognise this is the basis for their authority. This leadership allows them to drive projects that they have envisioned and say have received from God, which the congregation must necessarily believe and support.91\u000AOne of the associate pastors pointed out that: \u2018the number one pastor is the leader. He is the one who makes the decisions\u2019 and that he \u2018has the vision\u2019 (A8ESH). Associate pastors and key leaders are nominated by the founding pastor, because they recognise that he represents the maximum authority among them (P4LDG).92 Some churches have a council of elders or board of directors but their function is more for consultation and support.\u000ASome external observers criticise the autocratic style of leadership because they have all the power of decision making for the church. A journalist affirms that \u2018this type of leadership concentrates all the decisions on the person of the principle pastor\u2019 (IO9). This model raises certain fears within the Guatemalan Evangelical circle. Especially after various NPS were granted the title of \u2018apostle\u2019 and belong to the Apostolic Council.93 This council was established after naming these pastors as apostles in Guatemala City in 2000.\u000AThose who do not approve of this platform of apostolic leadership fear this will become a new structure for ecclesiastical power. N\u00FA\u00F1ez describes this new movement and\u000A91 Generally, the leadership teams and membership submit to the visions and projects which the pastors promote on a personal level. One of the co-pastors interviewed affirmed that his pastor is a man of God and a visionary.\u000A92 In the Verbo churches although they have a Council of Elders it is the \u2018governing elder who has the final word in the operation of the local church\u2019 (P1ICV).\u000A93 On the 28th of October 2000 they were named Apostles in the Mateo Flores national football stadium in Guatemala City. This title was given to them by the International Apostolic Council. This council is made up of a group of apostles from North America, Latin America and other countries and is supposed to give coverage and spiritual recognition. Although this Council does not have any ecclesiastical authority over these pastors, it gives them spiritual authority under the apostolic domination.\u000A174\u000A