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come from social crises or from demonic opposition, alcoholism, popular groups or the guerrilla, among others (Sch\u00E4fer 1992: 203). The Neo-Pentecostals believe that these experiences are due to the presence of God that breaks into their lives, families, churches and the world.\u000AOther analysts question their nature and form of being a church. They criticize their emphasis in church growth and the huge mega-church buildings which they say contradict a sense of community. According to Harold Segura today in Latin America a \u2018restricted ecclesiology\u2019 can be observed which is distant from the world and entertained by its own triumphs (2002: 61). Bastian points out that Pentecostals and NPCs are distinct from sixteenth century Protestantism as well as contemporary. They are rather \u2018religious movements which offer goods which are symbolic of salvation\u2019 (1997: 193, 208). From the Neo-Pentecostal point of view, these churches from the beginning have had the goal of being a \u2018model for the church in Latin America\u2019 (H. L\u00F3pez in Obras a\u00F1o IV No.15 Junio 2002: 9). [In the fifth Chapter the perspective of the laity on this issue will be analysed].\u000AThe Neo-Pentecostal churches have Guatemalan roots. With the exception of the Verbo churches that were born out of Gospel Outreach, all of the other churches were started by local initiatives. Although they have links and differing grades of cooperation with other churches and Neo-Pentecostal leadership outside of Guatemala, they see themselves as a movement with autochthonous features. Pastor J.H. L\u00F3pez says that this autochthonous nature has to do with economic sufficiency and the existence of national leadership (in Obras a\u00F1o IV No.15 Junio 2002: 9). A theologian states that \u2018Latin American Neo-Pentecostalism is native in terms of leadership, design, projects and finances\u2019 (EO1). Other analysts affirm that these churches very easily adopt schemes or ideas of foreign pastors, evangelists, prophets or apostles who are the models for the way that they understand their mission (IO1).97 The researcher observed that in these churches\u000A97 An example of these new ideas would be the discoveries of Peter Wagner about the emergence of the New Apostolic Reform which the Neo-Pentecostals emphasise (Caballeros & Winger 1998: 171-183). On the\u000A 181\u000A

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