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culture (Similox in Alvarez 1996: 4-5).This criticism is a sign of one of the problems of the Guatemalan reality, the lack of acknowledging the multicultural character of the nation. [Later there will be a full discussion of this issue].\u000A4. Work ethics\u000AAlthough this could have been mentioned in the previous section, it has been placed here because of its particular importance. For the Neo-Pentecostal pastors studied material prosperity is not something which should come as if by magic. The researcher found in some written work, messages and interviews with the NPS and with lay people certain interest in affirming the dignity and place of work. It does not appear as an elaborated theology, but as a comprehension of the faith in contact with work experiences. They say that work is essential for the person\u2019s development and a means of glorifying God. For example, J. H. L\u00F3pez (1990) includes among his ten biblical principles for prosperity to \u2018be a worker\u2019 that \u2018God blesses workers. He says that this is not very popular with those who want things but don\u2019t do anything to get them as God doesn\u2019t prosper lazybones. In his opinion a good worker should adjust the following principles: be diligent at work, associated with hard working diligent people, be a responsible worker, be careful not to be lazy, and not be careless.\u000AAn ICV associate pastor who used to own a business, states that his pastoral task about work ethics implies teaching the members the following: a) to maintain a healthy family economy which implies keeping out of debt and keeping a careful account of all credit card spending; b) be good workers; c) be honest entrepreneurs, bosses or traders which implies for this Pastor to be just and pay all taxes due (A5ICV). Another associate pastor from the same church who works as a pastor and as an entrepreneur, says that part of his pastoral responsibility is to \u2018teach new attitudes about work\u2019 so that people can develop (A4ICV). A NPS from a church outside of the churches studied affirmed that they say that as a church they propose to \u2018impact a complete generation of entrepreneurs who\u000A203\u000A