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God commits himself to give back double to those who give. This form of collecting offerings and promises is object of criticism inside and outside the Evangelical context. Martin Oca\u00F1a in its book Los Banqueros de Dios affirms that the Neo-Pentecostals develop a biblical rationality to justify the search and promotion of the economic prosperity (2002, 99). Asamoah & Kwabena criticise this form of prosperity because it is built upon a selective hermeneutical method. They underline with Gordon Fee that \u2018the interpretation of Scripture is the basic problem of prosperity teachings\u2019 (2005: 215-22). Finally, the reference to the negative elements in the culture is important for the restating of values as the key to economic improvement. Hard work done in a disciplined and honest way is essential for the development of a sound economy which is to develop both at a personal and collective level. The rethinking of prosperity in terms of the ethics of work is an important contribution of the NPS especially at an individual level to other churches.\u000AG. INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES\u000AThe subject of the indigenous communities is crucial for the life of the country because of their size in the population and the critical situation in which the majority live in social- economic and cultural terms. According to the results of the tenth Census of Population made in 1994, 42. 8 per cent of the Guatemalan population are indigenous people. Others affirm that the indigenous communities represent 61 per cent of the population. Guatemala has one of the highest percentages of indigenous population in Latin America. Most of them continue to be marginalized and underdeveloped.\u000AThe Guatemalan Indigenous people continue to be the object of discrimination and exclusion: \u2018They occupy the lowest level of the social strata and show the most unfavourable indicators of social development\u2019 (United Nations, Guatemala 2000: 211). Casaus Arz\u00FA in his book Guatemala: Linaje y racismo emphasizes that the racially mixed oligarchy of the Guatemalan elite shows a racist and contemptuous attitude towards the indigenous communities. These consider themselves to be white without the mixture of\u000A  223\u000A

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