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To summarize, the NPL think about mission in terms of \u2018the salvation of the soul\u2019 [spiritual dimension] without separating it from material order [economics dimension] and their concern for the problems of society [social dimension] In some ways, it could be noted that their perception is more open than the vision of some of their pastors with respect to the mission of the church.\u000A3. Relation of the bible and the world\u000ACritics of NEOP indicate, among other things, that their take on society is very spiritual, that they live apart from society, and that they place experience over reason. For example, a study made in Goiana, Brazil, indicates that Neo-Pentecostal religiosity is passive, mythical, and contemplative (Merluza 2002). In other words, they do not relate their faith to their world. Without taking away from the value of these criticisms, the researcher considered it useful to know the opinion of the NPL with respect to the relationship of the bible and the world.\u000AWith this idea in mind he asked the NPL if they thought that the bible relates to the totality of human life, or if it only takes care of spiritual problems. Although the question was general, the aim was to see the interest that the NPL have in the things of this present world above all because in sectors of the Evangelical church it is difficult to perceive the relationship between the context of the faith and the context that they live in. Human life here refers to the totality of life in society.\u000AMost of the lay people interviewed responded positively to the question. Their answers show their interest both in spiritual as well as mundane things. The result of the General Survey for Neo-Pentecostal Lay People (GSNPL) showed the same tendency. They believe that the bible is the word of God and that it relates to every area of life. When he introduces the bible the ESH pastor reflects this belief. Every sermon starts with the following phrase which everyone has to repeat in one voice: \u2018This is my bible, the word of God, I am what the bible says I am, I have the bible, what the bible says I have and I can\u000A246\u000A