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Table 5.5 Programme of social aid and service projects\u000A Programmes of social assistance\u000AMedical/Evangelistic trips\u000ACollection and distribution of clothes and food Visits to prisons and hospitals\u000AVaccination campaigns\u000AProvision of student grants\u000AMinistry of spiritual liberation\u000ASupport for marriages, couples and families Support through home groups\u000ASpiritual and material help for widows Medical service at clinics and laboratories Vacation bible schools\u000ASource: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000Ab. Presence in Church Projects of social aid\u000AProjects\u000ACasa Bernab\u00E9 (orphanage) Foundation for Down\u2019s syndrome Fundaci\u00F3n Manos de Amor CEIDAL\u000ASecondary and primary schools The Pan-American University The San Pablo University\u000A From the interviews 34 per cent of the lay people said they had participated in some social project of their church. The rest affirmed that they do not have time or they do not know how to. Although the percentage represents only a third part of the population studied, this participation is very important in the light of the small amount of participation of the lay people of other Neo-Pentecostal churches as well as other evangelical churches. Later this participation will be enlarged on. The opinions expressed by the interviewed lay people are also reflected in the GSNPL made. This survey shows a similar tendency of participation in social projects [Table 5.6]. In percentage terms, this participation is significant because of the size of these churches and because these projects compete with a series of ecclesiastical activities.\u000A257\u000A