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put it on their agendas, whether from an inability to explain them in their own language or an avoidance of the topic. The majority of the NPL state that the evils of the country need to be confronted through spiritual warfare. This tool helps them to understand and to exorcise the country\u2019s problems. However, their emphasis on spiritual forces gives less importance to the human responsibility about the ills of society.\u000AThe case of Almolonga is for the NPL a classic example to affirm the place of\u000Aspiritual warfare as a factor of economic and social development of communities whether\u000Athey are indigenous groups or not. They pay more attention to the spiritual factor, but they\u000Ado not give the due importance to the principles of Protestant ethics, and to the positive\u000Avalues of the indigenous culture, which have also been important in their economic and\u000Asocial development. According to Canton their explication of the situations which are\u000Aaffected depends on their social position. She states that how believers explain\u000Acatastrophes, corruption, violence or poverty, from their biblical perspective, assumes a\u000Adouble function whether they are poor or marginalized people or people from better off\u000Aareas or folk who participate in the political or economic power (1998: 3).\u000ATable 5.14 Do you consider that the church can contribute to solving the problems such as poverty, violence, corruption?\u000A Options Frequency\u000AYes 418\u000AMaybe 32\u000ASometimes 28\u000AThey should not get involved with those 37 problems\u000ATotal 515 Source: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000A4. Change of values\u000AValid Percent\u000A81.2 6.2 5.4 7.2\u000A100\u000A According to the NPL Christian education is the key to change values and to help people to leave poverty. They say that the non desirable values are part of the legacy of the Catholic, Iberian culture. They affirm that \u2018the culture of mediocrity, ambiguity, pessimism, with no\u000A285\u000A