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The testimonies of the NPL and the data of the survey show the openness that the women have to fill roles previously occupied by men. In 2004 the LDG church started a series of three monthly encounters aimed at motivating a \u2018change of mentality in Guatemalan women\u2019 so that they could achieve more. In the event held in March 2004 1300 women participated (Ram\u00EDrez Prensa Libre 2004: 10).\u000ACare for women and wives\u000AThese churches dignify and promote women through their programmes related to family issues. The woman is promoted as a person, housewife, wife and professional through the family. Family disintegration through divorce or abandonment, infidelity of the men, and the emergence of unmarried mothers are acute problems that affect women and their families. This situation impels the NPCs to provide programmes for marriages, parents and young people. For example, \u2018Marriage is for Always\u2019, or \u2018Marriage in Victory\u2019 programmes promote the spiritual, emotional and family development of the couple. They comprise an important part of their ecclesiastical agenda. Vinay and Colleen Samuel affirm that the reconstruction of families is an essential part of holistic mission, and not only a palliative assistance type of measure that does not resolve their issues into transforming action (1993: 5-7).\u000AIn his visits to NPCs the researcher found several articles and announcements that promote good relations between couples and the family development. In FCG an announcement had the motto \u2018Refresh your relationship as a couple!\u2019 They invited the couples to participate in a reasonably priced retreat which they could pay back during a period of three months. A bulletin of ICV had as the central article Let\u2019s take care of our spouses whose content encouraged the couples to look after each other in times of disease. In LDG also take care of marriages from their own perspective. Their senior pastor developed a series of subjects to give orientation to couples within the marriage.142 Although he emphasizes the authority of the husband and the subordination of women, he\u000A142 Pastor Edmundo Madrid in \u2018Seminario para Matrimonios\u2019 (n.db.) Instituto B\u00EDblico Lluvias de Gracia 306\u000A