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  Assemblies of God\u000AMinor Church Groups\u000AChurch of God of the Full Gospel [Cleveland] Independents\u000A\u2018Pr\u00EDncipe de Paz\u2019\u000ACentral American Church\u000A\u2018Iglesia de Dios Pentecost\u00E9s\u2019\u000AElim church\u000AChurch of the Nazarene\u000A\u2018Pentecost\u00E9s\u2019\u000ABaptist\u000APresbyterian\u000A\u2018Betania\u2019\u000A\u2018MI-EL\u2019\u000A\u2018Iglesia de Dios Nueva Jerusal\u00E9n\u2019\u000A\u2018Iglesia de Dios Galilea\u2019\u000AThe Friends church\u2019\u000A\u2018Iglesia de Dios la Profec\u00EDa\u2019\u000A    5.27% 4.38% 4.29% 1.65% 1.57% 1.42% 1.20% 0.93% 0.90% 0.81% 0.66% 0.58% 0.53% 0.39% 0.25% 0.23% 0.21% 0.20%\u000A TOTAL 25.47%\u000ASource: Table elaborated from data of Proyecto Josu\u00E9 Estado de la Iglesia Evang\u00E9lica en Guatemala \u2013January 2003-Updated Report. [Servicio Evangelizador para Am\u00E9rica Latina, SEPAL].\u000AAccording to the Cid/Gallup survey carried out in 2008 among groups with religious tendencies in Guatemala, 48.6 per cent are Catholics, 32.6 per cent Evangelicals. 2.9 per cent consider themselves to be Protestants, and others represent 3.5 per cent, those who profess no religion 11.8 per cent and those who do not know or did not respond 0.7 per cent.7 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) affirms that 30 per cent of the Guatemalan population are Evangelicals and that they have the highest average growth rate in Latin America.8 The churches with the highest visible growth rate are the Assemblies of God, the Church of God, and the mega-churches (SEPAL 2003: 14).\u000A2. Pentecostals\u000AAs in the case of Protestantism it is equally hard to define Pentecostalism. There are so many diverse expressions and forms in churches within Guatemala and abroad. Burgess underlines two key theological and ecclesiastical aspects in which they differ from the NPCs. The theological difference has to do with a doctrinal issue, the baptism in the Spirit. Pentecostalism subscribes to this experience as a work of grace that comes after\u000A7 In \u2018Tendencias Religiosas Cuadro 17 Estudio Opini\u00F3n P\u00FAblica Guatemala\u2019, CID/GALLUP Guatemala, January 2008.\u000A8 In \u2018ABC de los Evang\u00E9licos en A. Latina\u2019. BBC Available at Accessed 08/01/08\u000A    21\u000A

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