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Catholic Indians against evangelism projects that do not respect or recognize the value of indigenous beliefs and ways of life.\u000A5. Conversion and social mobility\u000AConversion is the central event in the Evangelical world, for it lays the foundation for the new convert. Social mobility, to which they do not refer directly, is understood as economic improvement, as shown in Chapter five. The meaning of social mobility, as used in this work, was taken from the second typology on social mobility proposed by Haralambos & Holborn. It has to do with \u2018intra-generational\u2019 mobility, which takes place in a simple generation and can be measured by occupational status (1995: 101). With limitations, this typology was used for NPLs who, as observed in the thesis, testify to progress in the form of a better job, starting a micro-business, among others, resulting in social and economic improvement. These declarations need to be verified in studies of fieldwork beyond the scope of his thesis.\u000AA good portion of the NPLs interviewed affirmed that their economic situation got better after their conversion; they were able to reach some type of social mobility. They assume prosperity like a component of the package of salvation. For that reason they affirm that evangelism brings with it \u2018economic and social promotion, the principle of solidarity, a sense of community, and the well-being of the families\u2019. For them salvation is not limited to the spiritual sphere; it has repercussions in the social and economic life. Prosperity is part of the blessing of God and for that reason they have a right to demand it. Their conversion operated a change155 of life that was translated into improvement in different directions. It reshaped their inner world which also had effects on their world. That is to say, the churches are a means where the people have an encounter with God by means of conversion that places in their agenda the possibility of becoming a new sort of\u000A155According to Tito Paredes change is \u2018any modification of the ideas, society, technology, economy, and ecology of a people due to factors working from within or without\u2019. He notes that change does not finish where it starts, but it can also modify structures (2003:73).\u000A338\u000A