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worship experiences many members renew their faith and make commitments to live their lives according to what God and the church require of them. Worship plays a powerful role to mobilize the people to meet the challenges that come from personal life, work, family sphere, and the church\u2019s mission.\u000AAt the same time, some excesses or the reduction of the experience to the private sphere, have been criticised by pastors and members of other churches. The non- integration of worship into all spheres of human life reduces the nature of worship and the so-called anointing of the Spirit to consumer goods that do not get out into day-to-day living in the world: worshipers on Sunday, but business persons throughout the week. The challenge for these churches is to move this charismatic experience every day from life to all the spheres of the society. They have the challenge to transfer the life of the Spirit to the fields of art, human sciences, literature, environmental concerns, the use of the power and the politics, (among others). They need to stimulate the creation of structured social development programmes to favour the poorest of the poor, from a holistic understanding of their mission. It has to be a holistic worship which must develop a spirituality of work, business, politics, social responsibility, family, social relationships, among others. Otherwise, worship remains a liturgy that separates theology and ethics from Christian being and doing.\u000Ac. Be aware about the influences of market\u2019s proposals and the danger of falling prey to power\u000ASome kind of Pentecostalization is observed in the Catholic and Evangelicals churches in different ways. It breaks and renews old bureaucratic schemes of some historical and Catholic churches. Their worship experience, form of administering the church and its projects, the way they work as a team, the use and handling of mass media, and other areas of ministry, are elements that have brought a new perspective to others churches. At the same time, the NPCs need to take care that the way they think about and do mission is\u000A349\u000A