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and Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart who had relationship with Guatemala in the Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal churches. NEOP, according to the pastors, emerged from 1976 onwards (the third wave of revival), and not before as Samuel Berberi\u00E1n points out (1983: 25-47). These churches are associated much more with the \u2018new apostolic movement\u2019 which Barrett and Johnson call Neo-Charismatic (2001: 299).\u000AThe Neo-Pentecostals have always identified themselves as \u2018Christians\u2019. They prefer this name basically for strategic reasons so that they can win the Catholics.11 Oscar Amat & Le\u00F3n P\u00E9rez note that the same happens in Peru (1997:13). The pastors interviewed, while recognizing their Pentecostal inheritance, preferred to be called from the outset Neo-Pentecostals. For example, the governing elder (P1ICV) of the IVC church of Guatemala affirmed: \u2018we do not identify ourselves with the traditional church, but we are also not Charismatics neither are we Pentecostals, we are not fundamentalists, we are a Neo-Pentecostal group\u2019 [author\u2019s emphasis]. The senior pastor of FCG points out that Neo-Pentecostalism represents a new move of the Holy Spirit which takes place as all sorts of manifestations of power are spilled out over God\u2019s people (P2FCG).\u000AEven though there is an initial distancing from Evangelicalism, these churches recognize that their background is the Protestant Reformation12of the sixteenth century with regard to the doctrine of salvation. One of the senior pastors of NPCs after highlighting the differences with the historic and Pentecostal churches notes: \u2018However, I believe that we haven\u2019t taken very much away from the foundation\u2019 (P2FCG). The majority of the NPCs do not make links with denominational churches, which is a characteristic of the third wave of revival, as they are of a more independent nature.\u000A11 The Neo-Pentecostals do not have any relationship with the Catholic Church as an institution. To the question, what relation do you have with the Catholic Church? One of the Neo-Pentecostal leaders answered: \u2018we have zero relationship with the Catholic Church... there is no official direct relationship\u2019 (A8ESH).\u000A12In their declaration of identity the Neo-Pentecostal Theological Biblical Seminary (SBTNP) declares: \u2018SBTNP adheres to the fundamental presuppositions of the Protestant Reformation...\u2019 (The Prospectus). In practice these churches choose some of the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation and emphasize new aspects of present Neo-Pentecostalism.\u000A24\u000A