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DEDICATION\u000ATo God, the Father from whom comes every good and perfect gift, for his eternal love and goodness. To Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, the Lamb of God, personal Saviour, Lord of history and the King of kings who is to come, and to the Holy Spirit, the true Comforter, the Giver of life, knowledge and power to the church for the accomplishment of its mission.\u000ATo my wife Lily, for her love and companionship in the mission to which the Lord by his grace called us to serve his people in Latin America. She has been at my side at all times to encourage and support me in my studies in spite of the cost she has faced on account of my absences from home and the pressures she has borne in being available for our children at all times.\u000ATo my children, Emily, Israel and Alex, for their love and understanding throughout my years of work and study. They have spurred me to persevere with the challenge of serving others. They have been very courageous in carrying on during my absences from home and have given me joy and encouragement as I strived to reach the goal of my studies.\u000ATo my mother for her love and prayers on behalf of the researcher and his studies. Her dedication to work and her sense of creativity have inspired my life, studies and ministry.\u000ATo my father who is with his beloved Lord and who always supported me and rejoiced over every achievement of mine in life and mission.\u000ATo my mother-in-law who has loved us and been close to us as a family in all times and circumstances.\u000ATo my sisters and brother and their families because they have always upheld me in prayer and encouraged me with the promises of the Word of God. To my sisters and brothers-in- law who were always quick to encourage me to press ahead in the struggle of pursuing my studies.\u000ATo my dear friends, brothers and sisters and companions in mission in the much loved family of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. The journey and service alongside them has always given me joy and inspiration and the stimulus of reflection on the relevance of the gospel in the context of the swarthy peoples and lands of Latin America.\u000ATo my brothers and sisters of the Evangelical Community Faith and Mission for their support and encouragement to think about the importance of holistic mission in the life of the local church. They have been very patient with the researcher during his long absences from the pastoral team.\u000Ai\u000A

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