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observations worship does not diminish the preaching time as sermons go on for at least another hour or more afterwards. These sermons follow thematic order about diverse subjects. The researcher observed that most of the members of those churches were eager to hear the pastor\u2019s sermon. Generally everyone stays until the end of the service.\u000A3. The entrepreneurial style of church management\u000AOne of the particular characteristics of NEOP is the way that they administer the church and its projects. The model of administration of these churches comes from an entrepreneurial perspective. Even in the churches from a working class background the concept is the same. This is an element which accompanies their theology and the background of their leaders. Some of the founders were professionals connected to the secular world before their religious conversion. They were lay people submerged in the private business sector or the governmental bureaucracy. This was the case of the pastor of IFG who was a success motivator and IVF who worked as manager of a local bank, or the case of the pastor of the ICV church of the seventh zone who led his own business at the same time as pastoring his church.\u000AThe managerial element does respond to the magnitude of the growth of these churches and their projects. These churches have grown numerically, in volunteers and paid staff, educational projects, management and control of the mass media, the promotion of congresses for training and revivals, bible institutes, services offering help and a network of relations. To carry out their mission they have taken advantage of the administrative organization of work, mass media and contemporary technology. Some pastors acknowledge that the middle class schools of NPCs function essentially like private enterprises (G\u00E1lvez 2000: 5). They even affirm that the element of \u2018competence\u2019 is part of their philosophy in developing and promoting their projects (A8ESH). All the services that they offer are costly and on occasions expensive.\u000A88\u000A

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