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poverty. Costa Rican pastors questioned Channel 23 \u2018Enlace\u2019, and petitioned for the Evangelical Alliance (FAEC) to adopt a firm stance in asking the channel to change its attitude so that its message can be congruent with the \u2018biblical principle that salvation, health, miracles, the gift of the spirit, the provision and blessing of God, amongst other blessings, are the product of God\u2019s grace\u2019.51\u000A7. Independent churches\u000AThe majority of these churches are independent in terms of their beginnings, organization, financing and human resources. This range is a key factor which places these churches within the third wave of revival as was stated already. Churches were established as a result of a particular vision that their founder had. The majority of churches were established through their own initiative and with local resources. So in these churches there is a marked emphasis on giving tithes and special offerings for projects. In general terms the links they have with churches within and outside of Guatemala are more of a ministerial character than economic. In the Evangelical context, the NPCs developed their ministry by themselves. Only the ICV church developed from the missionary effort of the World Alliance of California in the United States. Later the Guatemalan ICV churches almost became a denomination during the three decade period.\u000AThese churches started in an independent manner from the traditional Evangelical scene. According to Zapata these churches started with an interdenominational character (1982:168), while Berberi\u00E1n points out their independent character (1983: 38). In the beginnings they called themselves \u2018Christians\u2019 more than Evangelicals for strategic reasons. As was indicated before, they preferred to call themselves Christian churches so as to get closer to the Catholic groups. At the beginning they did not form a part of the Guatemalan Evangelical Alliance. Some years later most of the churches in this study became affiliated to the Alliance although they have their own Apostolic Council. These\u000A51 \u2018Pastores piden a Canal 23 Enlace que cambie de actitud\u2019, in new sent by \u2018ALC\u2019 (Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribe\u00F1a de Comunicaciones), sent the 20th February 2003.\u000A94\u000A