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The majority did not attend any seminary before assuming their pastorate. They acquired their biblical training on their own,54 while others took formal theological training after they had established their ministries.55 In fact, the Neo-Pentecostals imitated the classic Pentecostal model which pushed lay pastors into the field of mission before they had had any formal biblical preparation.56 There is here some continuity with Pentecostal traditions about how the pastors are called and involved in fulltime ministry. The difference is that the majority of the Neo-Pentecostal pastors are professionals with university training or are people with a business background. In the last few years the majority of these churches have introduced training programmes to prepare their leaders.\u000AAlthough the person who stands out in these churches is the founding pastor, the development and advance of the churches\u2019 mission and projects rests with the laity. These churches move and grow because a large number of lay people are involved in a diversity of ministries. The church functions with an army of volunteers enthusiastically inspired by the vision of the pastor or the elders. It is interesting to see the laity assume jobs such assistant, members of prayer teams, intercession and liberation, prison visitation, visiting hospitals, and evangelistic activities and small groups which carry out some team evangelistic tasks in which included social help such as providing clothes, food, and some medical services.\u000APerhaps the largest mobilization can be observed among the coordinators of cell groups. These churches assume the declaration of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century about the \u2018priesthood of all believers\u2019. In his visits to the NPCs and other churches outside of Guatemala, the researcher observed the fervour with which these lay\u000A54 The founding pastor of IVF notes that through an autodidactic process they understood the fundamentals of Christian doctrine and theology (P6IVF).\u000A55 This is the case of some of the Neo-Pentecostal pastors who did Masters and Doctors degrees in North American universities such as Oral Roberts University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.\u000A56Generally, the Pentecostals sent out their pastors without formal theological education. They were sent because they had had a call and because they showed evidence of having a charismatic experience. Today many Pentecostal churches have their own seminaries and provide solid biblical training for their pastors and lay leaders.\u000A96\u000A 

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