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2. Reason to attend the groups\u000AFrom the interviews with the NPL the researcher received the following answers to the question, why do you go to these groups? They responded in the following ways. \u2018I go to the groups because I learn of the Lord; they help me to relate to others and they teach me to serve. They provide moral support, counselling and some times economic help if anyone has a health problem\u2019 (L1ICV). A Business Administrator affirmed that \u2018questions can be asked in the groups. They provide spiritual help to understand why things happen, take-up offerings for those who have some economic need and they collect food gifts for the needy\u2019 (L3ICV).\u000AA lay person said that he likes to go to the groups \u2018because he feels received and they give him confidence. In the street people make fun of him. In the groups they explain the bible so as to understand life better. And they help with food and with money when somebody needs them\u2019 (L5ICv). A leader of FGs indicated that he participates \u2018because they put into practice the mission to make disciples and because he can study the bible. In the groups advice is provided. If anybody does not have work they are given some temporary assistance to help them along the way. They also share experiences about businesses\u2019 (L8ICV). A FGs leader indicated that he attends \u2018to testify to the community. The group is a social and spiritual project to enable the holistic development of the person. The groups give talks on finances, saving and provide some aid consisting of food and clothing to the needy\u2019 (L5IVF).\u000A3. Conversion\u000AThe FGs are primary source of the numerical growth of these churches. This is the place where many experience their conversion. A farmer shared with emotion that he attends the FGs \u2018because I got to know Christ there and I was restored\u2019. One of the informants exemplifies the impact of these groups in his personal experience:\u000AThe attendance to these groups brought a change that transformed my life. I had been a drug addict for many years. I left my house because my parents could not put up with me\u000A152\u000A

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