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country, prison visitation, and a children\u2019s programme as part of their evangelism. The \u2018Visi\u00F3n de Fe\u2019 church has a medical clinic in its installations. Recently a couple from this church began a project to help children with problems related to Down syndrome. The ICV churches have the Casa Bernab\u00E9 orphanage providing a substitute home for children who have been abandoned for different reasons. Recently some local churches started small social projects to help the needy. For example lay people from the Zone 7 Verbo church in Guatemala City provide on occasions student grants to the children of church members who have economic difficulties. One interior church provides medicines for poor people.\u000AThe ESH church has a more established social programme in favour of some communities in the interior. Initially they started with the ideal of helping widows and giving needy children study grants. Later they founded FMA to bring social assistance to a town in the interior of the country. This vision became the \u2018Comunidades en Transformaci\u00F3n\u2019 Project which seeks to take help and bring transformational development to the poor communities in the rural areas.\u000AThe LDG pastors are less engaged in social issues. This church \u2018provides on occasions bags of food for needy families of the congregation (A3LDG). The senior pastor said: \u2018I believe that the church has social responsibility but there is not a lot that can be done. The church does not have the resources\u2019 (P4LDG).100 According to them the impulse of evangelism is the way to make a contribution to the country. This is the church with largest working class members.\u000AThe co-pastor of the IFD church affirms that social aid is carried out through prison visitation, support of temporary voluntary workers, supporting an orphanage of another mission in the east of the country and through economic aid to service entities such as the ministry to street children called REMAR. Through the internal missions department, medical teams are sent out and clothing is provided as part of the evangelistic programme\u000A100 He said that the church does not have resources or budget assigned to social aid because the monthly budget is used up in paying personnel and other church expenses. The monthly budget is Q 400.000 ($50,000).\u000A 189\u000A