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Other NPS affirm that lack of education produces poverty. The ESH pastor has developed a whole thesis about the role of education in the history of the humanity and the role of Christians to impulse it. Education is the key element on his proposal to change society. That is why he founded several educational institutions. This education does not only have to do with academic training, but it also makes reference to Christian education. The changes of values and leadership training are in the building blocks of their educative proposal. For that reason most of NPS promote educative projects as an answer to the issue of the poverty as well as an important factor for the country\u2019s development.\u000AThese pastors also indicated that prosperity comes from God, but the believer must work hard and use their resources in a suitable way. The FCG Pastor states that \u2018he has seen people without shoes, deep in debt, with no employment who hear that the message of faith changes lives, abandon their vices and bad habits, get employment and prosper: This is the product of the Christian work ethics\u2019 (L\u00F3pez in Obras 2002: 14). That is to say, the solution is not magical as it is necessary to work hard to be prosperous. Eduardo Palacios thinks that prosperity comes as people learn how to administer what they have (Aleluya News A\u00F1o 4 No 27: 36). Also Bianchi indicates that this prosperity does not only refer to getting material things, but it includes all spheres of human activity (Bianchi Aleluya News A\u00F1o.3 No16: 28-29). Palacios emphasizes that it \u2018does not have to do only with receiving but it must also take account sharing\u0027 (Aleluya News A\u00F1o 2 No.6: 40). According to their perspectives prosperity comes through giving, from making the kingdom of God top priority, as well as hard work, honesty and helping the poor (P2FCG). They conceive prosperity as the blessing of God and the hard work of all believers.\u000AThe NPS think that the poverty also is the result of sin and the oppression of spiritual forces of evil. According to their Neo-Pentecostal theology, demons bind up the Christians\u2019 prosperity. Martin Oca\u00F1a in his analysis of the Peruvian Neo-Pentecostalism criticises this phenomenon and affirms that \u2018theoretical frame of prosperity theology is\u000A 219\u000A