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spiritual warfare with its reading of a world inhabited by demons who bind up Christians making them sick, impoverishing them or oppressing them\u2019(1997 15). Poverty is a product of spiritual forces that oppress towns and maintain Christians impoverished (Caballeros 2002: 88). Among the NPS interviewed, Caballeros is the one who elaborates a theology of spiritual warfare and he takes it as a hermeneutical axis to interpret Guatemala\u2019s social reality (1999). He suggests that the mission of the believer is like a spiritual war waged to bring spiritual and material liberation to the nations. In this spiritual fight, the critical social, physical, and material situation of Guatemala is thus created within their scheme of thought. For this reason he affirms that \u2018poverty and the other evils that the towns suffer are the result of diabolic oppressions\u2019 (\u2018Llamados a Redimir nuestra nacion\u2019, n.d.)111.\u000AHow do the NPS face this battle? Caballeros points out that in order to win this war, intercession, which is the \u2018language of the kingdom of God\u2019 is needed (1999:108). He transfers the spiritual war from a cosmological and supernatural order to day to day happenings. The spiritual conflict is interpreted in a moral language to explain and be able to change the historical, social, political and economic crisis of the country. The spiritual exorcism does not just belong to the personal life, but he transfers it to the socio-political and economic fields. At the same time, Caballeros thinks that poverty should be tackled from a socio-economic perspective. He believes that there are concrete reasons to explain why people are unable to advance economically and it is through this that he became interested in looking for power from the State to confront poverty and promote the country\u2019s development.\u000AThe Brazilian sociologist Mariz says that this enchanted vision of the world is not\u000Avery distant from politics. On the contrary, the military concept becomes a tool to interpret\u000Aand to confront the political situation. Within the Neo-Pentecostal context this war\u000Abecomes an interpretative paradigm of the social reality (1994: 27). Freston says that\u000Aspiritual warfare is a key factor for Charismatics and, increasingly for other Evangelicals.\u000A111 The \u2018Jes\u00FAs es Se\u00F1or de Guatemala\u2019 project was born with the idea of raising an army of 50,000 prayer warriors to free Guatemala from the crisis which he believes is caused by spiritual forces in the country.\u000A220\u000A