Page 248 - tesis
P. 248
The Neo-Pentecostals consider however that the way to transform the country is through evangelism. That is to say, they set out to moralise society by means of conversion, through being born again Christians, from whom they expect different forms of thinking and acting. It is important to see how lay people relate the matter of conversion to economic improvement and to what extent they experience social mobility. Do the laity relate beliefs to problems in society, and do they interpret poverty from a different angle than that of it being spiritual warfare? Do they take into account the weight of the structures from their social, economic, political dimensions and history in the Guatemalan context?\u000AFinally their desire to win \u2018Guatemala for Christ\u2019 implies a social and political connotation. They are not thinking just about spiritual salvation, but also about the social implications of salvation. Do the NPS promote social change as Neo-Pentecostal churches? The next chapter will outline the social presence and role of the Neo-Pentecostal laity in the Guatemalan society, showing how the lay people of these churches think and assume their Christian commitment in the world.\u000A235\u000A