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91). In the opinion of analysts, the CEBs did not have much effect in Guatemala.116 According to Murga Armas the Catholic Action promoted the emergence of small pastoral groups in indigenous communities in rural areas (2006:6). Garrard-Burnett points out that within a context of persecution and death the Catholic Action group trained the catechists and Delegates of the Word to provide some teaching for the people (1998: 19-21).\u000AWithout underestimating the CEBs\u2019 role, some authors underline that they did not always penetrate their bases, and they were not always successful in achieving their objectives in favour of the communities (Comblin 1994, Burdick 1993, Berryman 1995; 1996). The Catholic theologian Comblin affirms that in Brazil the Pentecostals had more success in reaching out to the communities and meeting their needs than the CEBs (1994:217-220). According to Cook, Liberation Theology and the leadership of the CEBs was not successful among the poor because they did not speak their language and because of their political ideas (1994a: 220-271).\u000ACleary shows that the laity emerged in both the Catholic and Pentecostal churches. He quotes the fact that there was a 50,000 strong participation of Guatemalan Catholic lay people in \u2018Cursillos de Cristiandad\u2019 (Courses on Christendom) at the end of the 1990s (1999: 135). According to him, some authors like Martin and others analysts ignore the resurgence of Catholicism in Latin America (1998: 132). Another group who emerged within the Catholic Church is the Charismatic movement (Benda\u00F1a 2001: 218-221). The hierarchy did not favour it and they have not always received the support. This movement is moved and led by the laity. In the 2000s this group is accepted by both the middle and working classes.\u000ACleary in different works recognizes the Pentecostal presence as an essentially lay movement which has taken root in Latin America (1998, 1999). Authors such as Garrad-\u000A116 In the Works of Ricardo Falla Quiche Rebelde (1986) and Masacres de la Selva Ixcan Guatemala (1975- 1982) (1992); and the Informe de la Iglesia Cat\u00F3lica \u2018Recuperaci\u00F3n de la Memoria Hist\u00F3rica\u2019 (REMHI), they describe the abuses that many of the Catholic leaders suffered at the hand of the army and as well the guerrilla groups.\u000A 237\u000A