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Paul Gifford in his study of new Pentecostal churches in Africa affirms, that \u2018for the circumstances of today\u2019s Africa, these Pentecostal churches are something new and important: voluntary associations of true brothers and sisters with a new organizational style (1995: 5). That is why some analysts say that lay people of Evangelical churches could be seen as a potential social capital to contribute to the social and economic development of the country. It is important to listen to lay people first hand, as Terry Ranger emphasizes, because they want to be heard. He asserts that \u2018Informants are individuals and their views should not be taken just as evidence for a \u201Ctraditional\u201D view or the view of the society\u2019.117\u000AIt is also important to listen to NPL communities. Cleary highlights the importance of listening carefully to what Latin Americans say about their religion, how they describe their faith and their religion (1999: 132,131-150). It is important to hear, know, and understand what the NPL are thinking and what they are doing about their social role. David Maxwell questions the idea that the charismatic African churches are alienated. He emphasizes that when their stories are heard, when they go beyond the stereotypes, many new things, many interesting initiatives, and more vanguard positions can be seen118. This investigation reveals important information with regard to the social role of the Guatemalan NPL.\u000AThe following questions are the basis of the interviews and questionnaires with the aim of understanding what they think about their presence and social role and how they participate in society. Do the NPL show interest in social problems and openness to participate in the different spheres of society? Do the NPL have values and beliefs that help them to face the world that surrounds them? Do these beliefs help the NPL to improve the socio-economic situation? Do these values and beliefs encourage them to participate actively in civil society? Do the NPL confront the structural problems which affect the country? What type of social projects do the churches run and in what way are the NPL\u000A117 Terry Ranger Why and how to do field-work. In: OCMS lecture 7 February 2006. Oxford: OCMS. 118Cited by Paul Freston, Interview, London 19/07/03.\u000A 239\u000A