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involved in them? Do they represent a movement for social transformation? To what extent are the NPL dependent on the teaching of their pastors? Do they differ from their pastors with regard to their way of thinking?\u000AWith these ideas in mind the results and analyses of NPL and their churches can be shown. The same six urban churches of Guatemala City and nearby municipalities will be investigated [ESH, FCG, IFD, LDG, ICV and IVF]. Their level of income shows that they are present in the upper middle, middle and lower middle and working classes (Table 5.1). The following table helps to illustrate the difference of incomes between these churches. Forty-four per cent of the ESH members receive incomes above $665, while only 7 per cent of the LDG members achieve this. The minimum wage of a worker in Guatemala City until 2007 was Q.1500 per annum [approximately$200].\u000AThe data on total population and incomes according to socio-economic strata of 2004 gave the following facts: 1) 29 per cent of extreme low classes receive 5 per cent, b) 32 per cent of the lower classes acquire 21 per cent c) 20 per cent of the lower middle classes 21 per cent d) 16 per cent of the middle class 31 per cent and, e) 3 per cent of the higher classes get 22 per cent (United Nations \u2018Caracteristicas de la poblaci\u00F3n\u2019 2005: 97).\u000ATable 5.1 Economic incomes\u000A Economic monthly Income in Quetzals\u000A1 to 1000 = $132\u000A1001 to 3000=$398 3001 to 5000=$664 5001 or more= $665\u000ATotal\u000Asurveyed\u000AICV % 16=19 27=33 13=16 26=32 82\u000AIFCG % 24=30 31=38 8= 10 18=22 81\u000AESH % 10= 10\u000A28= 29 15= 16 42= 44 77\u000AChurches\u000ALDG IFD % 29=39 17=22\u000A29=39 41=53 14=19 13=16 2=3 6=7 74 77\u000AIVF %\u000A8=15 104 15=28 171 8=15 71 23=42 117 54 463\u000A Total\u000A Source: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000A240\u000A