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B. ABOUT THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH\u000AThis section analyses the biblical elements that support the ideas of the NPL about their understanding of the church\u2019s mission The interest here is to discover what the NPL think about missions as this to a great extent defines how they see themselves in the world and the type of presence and action that they assume in society. It is important to know what they think about the church\u2019s mission and how do they relate it with social issues.\u000A1. Preaching of the Gospel\u000AMost of NPL share their pastors\u2019 opinions on the subject of the mission. The mission of the church is to preach the good news of the gospel for man\u2019s salvation. Preaching is understood here to be a verbal or written announcement of the message. This mission is described in terms of \u2018evangelizing\u2019, \u2018winning souls for Christ\u2019, \u2018making disciples of the nations\u2019, \u2018sharing the word of God\u2019, or \u2018the great commission\u2019. The emphasis falls here on the spiritual dimension and repercussion of the message.\u000AEvangelism or mission (they use both terms interchangeably) has as its aim the conversion of the people through new birth. In their religious language this means \u2018to redeem the non believing people\u2019 and to take them to the feet of Christ, so that they can know the love of God and be converted. For the NPL the unbelievers are all those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and are therefore not born again.\u000AConversion implies for the NPL the rejection of beliefs and negative habits of the culture such as alcoholism, adultery and betting which leads believers into debt. Among Evangelicals conversion is fundamental because they consider that all persons are marked by sin and need to repent to get forgiveness from their sins. Entering the new community of faith implies accepting new values and a disposition to follow new models of conduct.\u000ACant\u00F3n says that the conversion process in the Pentecostal community includes the following steps: a) the convert is assigned immediately a position where there are rights and duties to carry out, b) once the conversion is sure, the convert must share their\u000A241\u000A

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