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must be read shows openness to link both mundane and spiritual spheres. When asked the question if they read books by secular authors 30 per cent said they did, and 32 per cent said that they did sometimes. Their answers show some interest in knowledge of other ideas outside their religious world.\u000Ac. Secular world versus Christian values\u000AThe NPL show certain distrust towards those ideas and theories of the secular world that they think that are against \u2018Christian values\u2019. The following commentary gives a glimpse of this attitude. The Director of the ESH School affirmed that a principal objective in her institution is \u2018to enable the students to discern secular humanism and to ensure that they learn values based on the word of God. There are two ways to face the world, one prohibiting everything, and the other teaching the students to see and discern for themselves\u2019 (L7ESH). They recognize modernity but reject those values which they consider to be contrary to Christian values. These values have to do with the Neo- Pentecostal theological position that they sustain.\u000AWhich secular values do they reject? Among these could be found the following: legalizing abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriages or the interference of the State in family matters. An example of this can be observed in the fight against the \u2018C\u00F3digo de la Ni\u00F1ez\u2019 (Childrens\u2019 Statute proposed by the National Congress of Guatemala) instigated by the Guatemalan Evangelical Alliance who joined efforts with the Catholic Church and others civil institutions \u2013the IVC church wrote its own statement about it.\u000AOn the other hand, FCG leaders emphasized that the Christian values and morals are important factors in the orientation of young people. They say this \u2018because in this modern world there is a grey set of values including situational ethics which dilute our biblical principles and young people often do not know what is good or bad\u2019 (J. L\u00F3pez Explosi\u00F3n Juvenil 2003). So for them, faith and ethics are in jeopardy. Of course in practice the NPL tending to adopt certain values of the western culture without questioning\u000A 249\u000A