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them too much. For example, they are attracted by the North American life style, the free market economic system, fashions in dress codes or church growth strategies. On the other hand, their emphasis on personal morality leads them to neglect the ethical challenge to be found in forms or systems which provoke injustice or inequality and militate against human dignity.\u000ATo sum up, the NPL show interest in relating their faith to the present world. They do it from the stand point of their Neo-Pentecostal faith within the framework of a postmillennial eschatology. Their approach to the bible shows an open mind to the things of the present world. This approach does not mean necessarily that they know their faith in depth or that they confront ethical challenges about equity in an unjust society. The researcher also observed in their bookstores few books that integrate the Christian faith with social issues or the environment. Most of titles are oriented towards prayer, emotional problems, spiritual warfare, theology of the prosperity, and other similar subjects.\u000ATable 5.2 Do you consider that Christians should get involved with science, technology, art, etc.?\u000A Options Frequency Yes 405 Maybe 57\u000AI don\u2019t know 30 Definitely not 23\u000ATotal 515 Sources: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000A4. Christian faith and social problems\u000AValid Percent 78.6\u000A11.1 5.8 4.5 100\u000A In Guatemala a high percentage of the population faces deep social, economic and political deprivations. The country continues to occupy the lowest places in several indices of human and social development in Central America yet they have one of the highest percentages of Evangelical populations in Latin America. Nevertheless, that numerical\u000Apresence has not had a visible effect on Guatemala\u2019s socio-political structures. The ESH 250\u000A