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must contribute to the solution of social problems because \u2018we have the truth and the Holy Spirit who enables us to make changes\u2019 (L4IFG). This participation should be made by means of \u2018preaching, prayer for the country and giving to the poor\u2019 (L6IFD). The result of the GSNPL on the same question showed the same tendency [Table 5.3]. According to these opinions the duty of Christians must take into account the social dimension of the gospel. It shows an emergence of a social conscience in the development processes and commitment to them.\u000ATable 5.3 Should the Church as an institution contribute to solving the problems of education, health and environment, etc.?\u000A   Options\u000AIt should do so for all\u000AIt should do so only for its members\u000AIt should not do so, it is not part of its mission\u000AThis is the governments\u2019 responsibility\u000ADid not answer\u000ATotal\u000ASource: survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000AFrequency Valid Percent\u000A419 80.3 19 3.6 30 5.7 47 9\u000A7 1.4 522 100\u000A         Some lay people mentioned that \u2018the church does not have to shut itself off from the country\u2019s real situation but should be concerned about it. In this way the country can change\u2019 (L2ICV). A lay member from a wealthy family affirms that it is necessary to contribute to solving social problems because \u2018we are to be like salt and light, a positive influence. The church must turn the social ambit upside-down like salt\u2019 (L3ESH). A lay people and former member of a trade union affirmed that the church must become involved because \u2018God commands us to be involved in the common good including political action. The Christians have power to transform society. Others use the State for their personal goals\u2019 (L1FCG). Other emphases, the church needs \u2018to imitate the example of Jesus who took into account social problems\u2019 (L5LDG). Those opinions show an interest and a perception about the social problems which in some cases defers from the posture of their churches and their pastors. In conversations with some of the laity the researcher perceived\u000A252\u000A

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