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Although they were open to talk about social issues their answers were less elaborated than NPL of middle and upper classes. The social aid from their churches also has less infrastructure, organization and economic resources.\u000AWhy is it that the NPL of those churches show less interest in the social problems? Perhaps it is due to the lack of teaching from their pastors, their education level or because of their own social position. According to one of the observers \u2018The poorest people tend to elude these issues and to stay with the simple message of salvation in Christ\u2019 (IO9). Cant\u00F3n notes that there are different grades of passivity according to the distinct denominations, but the differences depend mostly of the social sector to which the convert belongs\u2019 (1998: 223). It would seem that a lower level of education and economic income affect the interest and management of social problems. The GSNPL shows that NPL of middle and upper class have higher education and economic income than NPL of lower and working class.\u000AThis situation can explain why the NPL of middle and upper classes are more interested in social problems. Also, the openness to social issues depends on the vision and attitude of their pastors. The pastors of LDG, IFG and IVF show less interest to talk about social issues and have less social programmes. One of the senior pastors said to the researcher that his church does not have resources to create social aid programmes because the church members are essentially poor people (P4LDG). One informant of IFG said that his church has little interest in social problems because the pastor\u2019s policy with respect to social projects is different (L7IFG).\u000AIn spite of this situation it is a positive feature that the NPL of those churches are open to discuss social issues and participate in some social projects or volunteer associations. One of the lay people, who spoke to the researcher several times about his work with \u2018Manos de Amor\u2019, said that his work with people from the countryside had transformed his vision for service and his ideas and vision in favour of the transformation of the nation (L8ESH).\u000A262\u000A

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