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think that transformational changes will come from the top. Their opinions will now be outlined.\u000Aa. Attitude towards politics\u000AThe theologian Miguez Bonino points out that those who participate in politics now are those who said that Christians should not get involved in political matters before (1999: 12). Numerical growth in great measure has been one of the factors which have stimulated the Evangelicals to seek political power in Latin America. In the present study, 65 per cent of the laity interviewed affirmed that Christians must participate in politics. Only a smaller percentage thought that Christians should not get involved in politics because it is against \u2018God\u2019s will\u2019.\u000AAlthough they have certain reserves about participating in politics or to give their vote for an Evangelical candidate, the NPL are encouraged to get involved in the political task. With a slightly different percentage the GSNPL responded to the question affirmatively [Table 5.8]. A survey made by the Pew Forum on Charismatic and Pentecostals at the global level found that the following percentage on political and religious relationships in Guatemala: 72 per cent of the Pentecostals, 73 per cent of Charismatics, and 69 per cent of other Christians, affirmed that religious groups must express their opinions on the political and social subjects of the day.\u000AWhat motivates this openness of the Guatemalan NPL to participate in politics? The following are some of the reasons given. They said that they think that in doing this \u2018they will have the opportunity to illuminate things with Christian principles\u2019 (L1ICV). Participation is essential \u2018to take part in the redemption of institutions and to show integrity as a saved nation\u2019, (the salvation idea refers to conversion and its effect in the society). Other lay people said, as believers \u2018we have a role to play in public life\u2019 (L2IVF). For those lay people there should not be any political sphere left outside: \u2018it is necessary to aspire and participate in all political positions: the Presidency of the Republic, government\u000A264\u000A