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and Catholic entrepreneurs. This group soon became the base of the VIVA party. According to members, of the committee the project had the vision to form future politicians, create the generation of ideas and analysis of political-economic projects in order to reach the political power in the long term (L8ESH).\u000AThe idea is that VIVA will participate in as many elections as possible to have the greater number of seats in Congress in order to approve laws that facilitate public conduction of the State. What motivated Caballeros to leave the pastorate and dedicate himself full-time to politics? Among other reasons is his concern to relate religious revivals to social transformation, the situation of poverty in the country and the Central American region, his studies and preaching on the transforming role of the gospel, and the development of education and social aid projects. When asked how he started out in politics? He said:\u000ATwo years ago I became involved in a study of the subject of the poverty. While doing this study I reached the conclusion that my contribution in the church was peripheral, unless I could arrive at a place where decisions are taken for public policies as tools to change Guatemala. In the 2005 I decided to enter the political arena and on the 31st of October of 2006 I resigned pastoral work to be a Presidential candidate (Castillo, Edici\u00F3n Dominical, Nuestro Diario - Guatemala 3 June 2007: 8-10).129\u000AThis decision of Pastor Caballeros shows in some way a progression of ideas and commitment of some Neo-Pentecostal leaders who could become a social capital to push for social reform in Guatemala. An analysis needs to be carried out of the real motives and the ideology of Caballeros which moved him to seek political power. In spite of disillusionment with politicians like R\u00EDos Montt and his party, the Neo-Pentecostal politicians dream to see \u2018Guatemala like the New Jerusalem of the world\u2019 (Bianchi Aleluya News A\u00F1o 5 no. 37:12).\u000A129 On the occasion of the II Industrial Fair, the private sector of the country met as a forum with the five possible presidential candidates that were at the top of the electoral opinion polls. Caballeros was invited along with the others. They extracted the following synthesis of his economic policies: \u2018He would decentralize investment and the promotion of competiveness. He would impulse micro-financing, public- private alliances. Fight smuggling and fiscal evasion, there would be social development, improvement to health, education and food services; he would develop housing and the local productive infrastructure. He would take advantage of human capital for education and training children and training people in the rural and indigenous areas. He would invest in the natural capital of the country, to protect the environment\u2019. (\u2018Decisi\u00F3n\u2019, Prensa Libre: Guatemala Thursday 7 June 2007:3). Caballeros in his government outline made plans on how he hoped to confront the problems described.\u000A272\u000A