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their support.130 Equally, the Neo-Pentecostal politicians assume without reserve the postures of the economic neo-liberals, and are exposed to the temptation of the ecclesiastical cooperativeness.\u000AFinally, it is important to consider the presence of NPL and other members of Evangelical churches in civil society. Their presence in associations whether these are political or not, constitutes a contribution to the political and democratic development of the country. This task needs to be developed not only by the Neo-Pentecostals, but also by all Evangelicals that wish to contribute to the development of the country.\u000A7. Relationship with the State\u000AThe Church-State relationship has been a critical situation in Guatemala. The Evangelicals have shown a passive and quiet submission to the State as well as participating in some of the State organizations. This section shows the thoughts and attitude of the NPL with respect to the State. They were asked if Christians ought to demand the government to fulfil their duty in favour of the population, and if they consider that it is correct to protest against the government through marches and if they would be willing to take part in any. What follows shows their response to the questions they were asked.\u000Aa. The Government must perform its duty\u000AMost of NPL interviewed consider that they have the right to demand the government to fulfil its obligations in favour of the population because is \u2018a constitutional right\u2019. These reasoned their point of view in the following way. They emphasized that Guatemalan citizens have the right to demand the government. They think that it is important to make the government hear the peoples\u2019 voice when they do not do things correctly (L4ICV)). They should be demanded to \u2018makes good use of the wealth of the State\u2019 (L8ICV), and when \u2018they commit injustices to the population\u2019, or \u2018commit in corrupt acts as in the case\u000A130 A letter from Bianchi\u2019s party shows this tendency. In that moment they said that they had received \u2018the unconditional support of the majority of the most important denominational leaders of the country\u2019. In Carta de Acci\u00F3n Reconcialiadora Democr\u00E1tica sent to Guatemalan pastors in June 1999.\u000A274\u000A