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government\u2019. They think that the marches \u2018create anarchy\u2019 and some think that the marches are not the best way to demonstrate claims.\u000ASome adduced that \u2018is is not correct to demonstrate against the government because the authorities are given by God\u2019. Whoever \u2018is against the government opposes God\u2019 (L8FCG). One informant said that \u2018is not right to protest unless the government blasphemes\u2019 (L2ICV). Finally, others said that it is not right to protest against the government but rather we should pray for it. God will judge every government (L7IFD. Respect and obedience for government authorities reflects the attitude and traditional thinking of Evangelicals and most of the Guatemalan population. This lack of confrontation has been detrimental to the country and has allowed politicians and their parties to use the State dependencies for their own benefits. So some politicians who have been accused of illicit actions against Guatemalan interests continue to be elected. It appears that the Guatemalan people easily forget the politician\u2019s slips in the past.\u000AThe results of the GSNPL show that 48 per cent against 18.1 per cent affirmed that they would never participate in a march to demand the rights of the population. The interesting thing of the case is that the 33.7 per cent affirmed that they would do it with some reserve [Table 5.11]. The majority of the laity expressed some practical reasons, as mentioned above, not to participate in this class of marches. Perhaps others do not do so because of their social class position. As long as their interests are not being threatened, they do not protest against the situation, neither do they see any need to push for substantial changes in society. According to Stoll most Neo-Pentecostals belong to social classes whose privileges protect the Guatemalan state (1994: 107-108).\u000AWith the exception of leaders linked to CIEDEG and other entities of the ecumenical world, the majority of the Evangelicals including the Neo-Pentecostals did everything to avoid open confrontation with the governments of those times. From his analysis of Guatemalan Pentecostalism, Wilson affirms that although Pentecostals have characteristically avoided direct confrontation with the social and political establishment,\u000A277\u000A

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