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economic inequality and sin. All these factors represent the 58.5 per cent of the answers as the main causes of the poverty. The answers given reflect a mix of feelings and ideological approachs to the problem of poverty.\u000ATable 5.12 Comparison of human development with other countries\u000A      Indexes (per cent)\u000ALife Expectancy\u000ALiteracy\u000AHuman development index\u000AGuatemala El Salvador\u000A64 69 67.30 77.80 0.62 0.7\u000AHonduras Nicaragua\u000ACosta Rica\u000A      70 68 76 73.40 67.90 95.30 0.65 0.63 0.8\u000A      Source: Report of Human Development. United Nations system for Guatemala 2000\u000A1. Educational factor\u000AAccording to the NPL the lack of education is the main cause of the poverty. Lack of education means absence of schooling (primary education essentially). Of those interviewed 43 per cent said that this it is the greatest problem in the country. \u2018Illiteracy is a huge evil\u2019 that must be eradicated. The lack of education \u2018does not allow people to progress\u2019. In Guatemala this is one of the factors that keep the country in poverty. Guatemala occupies the penultimate place in illiteracy in Latin America. According to the report of the World Bank on education approximately 31 per cent of the population does not know how to read or write. Of that population especially the indigenous people and women are at a disadvantage. Children are excluded from education because of the deficiency of schools and teachers, low schooling of the parents or their illiteracy, delayed entrance of the children to the educative system, the high rates of repetition in both of the first two years of the primary education, desertion of the children from school because they must work, and for other economic and social reasons (\u2018Cap\u00EDtulo 7: Educaci\u00F3n y pobreza 2003: 69-73).131\u000A131 According to the report \u2018Guatemala: la fuerza incluyente del desarrollo humano\u2019 desertion which is highest in the first year of primary is highest in the rural areas. The causes of desertion are: the parents take the children with them to work, temporary emigration, lack of basic school supplies, they do not understand the teacher or the school, is too far away. In this context of exclusion the indigenous women are the most excluded (United Nation Informe de Desarrollo Humano 2000: 137).\u000A  279\u000A

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