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entrepreneurs shows, that religious experience and values helped them gain enterprise vision as well as to develop as people (1999: 99-148).\u000AAccording to the survey that went to the SNPEP, when asked the question \u2018Does\u000Ayour church encourage its members to participate in the activities of the national life of the\u000Acountry?\u2019 The majority responded that \u2018yes\u2019 it does (Table 5.15). Some interviewed\u000Aentrepreneurs expressed the idea of promoting businesses for personal development and\u000Athe possibility of generating jobs. Some pastors have their own businesses that according to\u000Athem help them to generate self support in order to give their time to the pastorate. The\u000Astudies of Amy Sherman (1997) and Gooren (1999) describe the contribution of\u000AProtestantism to the spreading of small entrepreneurs.\u000ATable 5.15 Does your churches encourage its members to participate in the activities of the national life of the country?\u000A Options\u000AFrequency\u000AValid Per cent\u000A Yes\u000ASometimes\u000ANo 4 7.5 Total 53 100 Source: Survey of entrepreneurs and professionals 2003 (SNPEP)\u000AD. SOCIETY AND DEMOCRACY\u000A43 6\u000A81.2 11.3\u000A The development of the democracy in Guatemala has faced diverse obstacles throughout its history. The construction of the social structure and the conformation of their national identity have been critical in this process, especially because the contradiction ladino/indigenous people in good measure structured the Guatemalan society. Racist attitudes towards the indigenous peoples since colonial times have hindered their development as persons and communities.\u000AOn the other hand, the role of women has been subordinated to that of men. Machismo attitude has resulted in male domination over women who have been relegated to the background. Indigenous people and women have emerged with many difficulties in\u000A290\u000A