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feelings, which are often considered almost natural, both by those who discriminate as well as by those who undergo discrimination\u2019.137\u000AWhat do the NPL think about the indigenous people? In order to gather their opinions, they were asked the following question, \u2018do the indigenous people contribute to the development of the country or are they an obstacle in this process?\u2019 This question was asked to perceive their understanding and attitude towards the indigenous person and his communities. Especially because the majority of the population of the NPCs interviewed recognize themselves as Ladinos.\u000AThe researcher discovered in their opinions a double tension and an open attitude\u000Atowards the indigenous people. They affirmed that the indigenous people contribute\u000Apositively to the development of the country, but on the other hand, they displayed some\u000Aprejudices in their opinions towards the indigenous people and their role in society. The\u000AGSNPL was asked the same question which gave a positive result as far as their\u000Aparticipation in the society (Table 5.16).\u000ATable 5.16 According to your opinion, the culture and indigenous communities contribute to the development of the country?\u000A Options Frequency\u000AYes 361\u000AMay be 60\u000AI do not know 36\u000ANo 49\u000ATotal 506\u000ASource: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000Aa. Recognition of dignity\u000AValid Per cent\u000A71.3 11.9 7.1 9.7 100\u000A Most of NPL thought that the indigenous person is a hard worker with a spirit of initiative. Some commented that \u2018they work hard\u2019, they \u2018always have contributed to the development of the country\u2019. The indigenous people \u2018produce food for all through their work\u2019. \u2018All the people who live in the capital city depend on them as far as agriculture is concerned\u2019\u000A137 Prensa Libre. Editorial, En el d\u00EDa de los pueblos ind\u00EDgenas. Guatemala, 09/08/2003. 292\u000A