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all are capable. On the contrary, another lay man emphasized that women \u2018have more capacity than men\u2019.\u000ATable 5.17 Role of women: according to their point of view\u000AOptions Frequency\u000A Dedicate themselves only to their 28 husband and home\u000AServe in their homes and have a 45 profession\u000AWork outside home and serve in the 20 church\u000AThe three options 423\u000AThey did not answer 7\u000ATotal 523 Source: Survey of Neo-Pentecostal lay people 2003\u000AValid Per cent\u000A5.4 8.6 3.8\u000A80.8 1.4 100\u000A At the same time, they also shared certain fears about the idea that the wife assumes both responsibilities simultaneously. A certain concern is perceived about the results of feminism which overemphasizes the role of women outside the house. A male informant points out, \u2018Perhaps\u2019 they said \u2018it would be better than she remains in house to raise the children\u2019 (ICV). It would be good that that \u2018she can train in something if she does not have obligations in the home\u2019. Another male informant said, there is no problem that \u2018she is involved with a profession, as long as she does not neglect her home\u2019 (FCG). A woman informant stress, women \u2018should have as a profession being a housewife and take care of the children. If there is need then they may go to work\u2019. According to the Neo-Pentecostal and Evangelical mentality, the man must work to maintain the home and the woman must be dedicated to the home and the care of the children. They emphasize with these statements the idea that she is the mother, the one that takes care of the education of the children. Of course this posture has been modified due to the need in society for both partners to work to complete the family budget. In Guatemala and the rest of Latin America many women must work to help support the home because the wage of the husband is not sufficient or on account of the husband\u2019s irresponsibility in maintaining the home. In other cases, unmarried mothers must work to maintain their children and must\u000A302\u000A