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2. Faith and social issues\u000AAnother of the objectives was to find how NPL relate their Neo-Pentecostal faith or beliefs to the social problems around them. According to the data from the analysis, pastors and NPL do not separate their faith, understood as the Evangelical Christian belief system, from their day-to-day living.146 That is, they do not live with their backs turned to the world. Of course, field work shows that not all NPL bridge faith with the social issues around them, nor are all interested in relating to them. It was also observed that for most believers, this approach is of a more informal nature. The relationship between faith and social problems takes shape especially in the proposal of changing values. Why do NPL insist on changing values? According to the NPS certain negative values exist in the cultures which need to be changed. That is why they believe that to change the institutions they have to change the way people think.\u000AThe secular analyst Kliksberg emphasizes that corruption and lack of transparency have intangibly damaged society creating the deep erosion in the sharing of capital. In the light of this fact he indicates the need to emphasize again, among other things, the place of values in society and in culture.147 The scourge of corruption is now a matter of great concern among academicians and religious groups around the world. Garrard-Burnett points out that the first missionaries, who came to the country in the last century, would have agreed that the solution to Guatemala\u2019s problems resided in the ethics and morals which were the mark of the Protestant beliefs (Garrard-Burnett, 1998:125).\u000AAccording to NPL the change of values is most important for the \u2018moral reformation\u0027 of society. They insist in the change of cultural values which according to\u000A146The essential elements of the evangelical faith are: affirmation of the triune God, the person and expiatory work of Jesus Christ, universal sin, the need for being born again \u2013conversion-, the universal church, the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the second coming of Christ. These are the key elements of what it means to be evangelical. Other elements are added according to what makes each denomination distinctive.\u000A147 In \u2018El papel que puede desempe\u00F1ar la cultura y los valores \u00E9ticos en la lucha por la transparencia\u2019.In \u00C9tica y Gobernabilidad Guatemala 26 y 27 de mayo 2005 Available at. Accessed 20.03.08\u000A 328\u000A

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