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Caballeros of El Shaddai focuses his attention on discussing poverty and the country\u0027s need for social transformation. Despite this situation the data of this thesis shows that NPL relate their Christian faith with some social issues and they are pushing for social transformation in the political culture.\u000A3. New orientation towards the world\u000AWhere do NPL get their ideas on life and their willingness to face its challenges? According to information gathered, they emerge from their new eschatological orientation. In practical terms, they have left behind the dispensationalist eschatological framework and have embraced the ideas of Post-Millenialism that assume the kingdom of God as a \u2018here and now\u2019 reality in the world. The more open orientation that the NPL show towards the world helps them to battle less with those dichotomies, especially in the middle and higher classes. This openness to the world is seen mainly in their entry into the world of politics, and their incipient participation in civil society, whether as a common citizen or as government officers.\u000AWith regard to party politics, from the data received on the theme the following aspects can be deduced: In the first place, NPL believe in, and support the exercise of, voting rights. This attitude favours the development of political democracy. On the other hand, NPL display a more cautious attitude as far as choosing their candidate and the emission of their votes is concerned. They think that politics are a part of Christian business and that Christians can choose to be elected. Nevertheless, they do not think that they must give their vote to a presidential candidate just because he is an Evangelical. The 1999 and 2003 elections may illustrate this attitude. Bianchi and Rios Montt lost the elections at that time. They were not voted for just because they were Evangelicals. It is possible to affirm that the Evangelicals, including the NPL, show a more prudent attitude and that they are not merely conservatives or followers of the Evangelical politician. Of course, this posture is not always predictable. Freston notes that the opinions of the leaders\u000A330\u000A