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democracy in the country and the citizens\u2019 political participation. Of course, these alliances do not assure that they are going to either work or that are they of a permanent character. It could respond more to a desire on both sides to reach the power. Critics of NEOP affirm that NPPs are guided by a corporative view of the State. Alonso points out that they \u2018Desire a new theocracy in which the State is made up of an increasing number of \u0022Christian\u0022 civil employees and from which the capitalist conservative values for all society prevail\u2019 (IO3). There are some examples of Pentecostal politicians in Brazil showing a change from a corporative view to a vision favouring democracy and development. According to A. Brasil, those politicians assume a more independent political commitment today, they are more inclined to the parties on the left, and are producing speeches that emphasize the need for greater social justice and condemn the current economic model. They are a new performance in the new electoral, legislative processes and of the public administration (2002: 255)\u000AFinally, will the NPPs be able to confront the structures of power taking into account the fact that according to Casaus Arz\u00FA some of the NPPs comprise the elite of the country? (1995: 169). The country needs profound changes in social, economic and political structures in favour of the poor and to serve the national project. Some critics affirm that the NPPs in Guatemala \u2018do not have the critical and analytical sense to face the Latin American reality beyond the use of neo-liberal slogans and conservative capitalism\u2019 (IO3). The new generation of the NPPs need to impulse a more interdisciplinary task, and work out a theology of politics of power, of social ethics and sustainable development, in order to propose solutions large enough to counteract the ambition of power and corruption.\u000AThe second example that illustrates the orientation of NPL toward the world is their participation in civil society. Some NPL, along with other Evangelicals, are in areas where they have not entered previously. A journalist of Shaddai founded and coordinated the Institute of Government of the Party Democratic Union (UD), which has as its main\u000A332\u000A