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of those churches should not be confused with that of the lay people at the grass roots (2001: 3).\u000ASecondly, as it was mentioned the NPPs are consenting more to work with other parties than to establish Evangelical parties as can be seen on the case of Bianchi of the ICV church, Conde from a extension of LDG church and del Pozo from ESH church are working with no evangelical political parties. In 2007 Bianchi decided to support the candidacy of Social Democrat Alvaro Colom, who won the 2007 presidential elections.\u000AFinally, the emergence of new parties and Evangelical organizations within civil society could generate new contributions in the field of politics. For example, the launching of the VIVA Party and the leadership of Pastor Caballeros has caught the attention of Evangelicals and Catholics. His government plans attracted the attention of several circles of Guatemalan society.148 In 2006 Caballeros proposed to the left and right- wing parties of the country to make an alliance to build a Vision Plan for Guatemala. His proposal was supported by people like Jaime Arimany, former President of CACIF (Coordinating Committee of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, and Finance Associations); Adri\u00E1n Zapata, with a past in the guerrillas, and Alvaro Pop, an indigenous leader. On that occasion, all the parties signed the agreement (Naveda 2006).149 Caballeros was not able to postulate for the 2007 electoral campaign because his party arrived too late to be included.150 Without going into details about why the party was not properly registered and their claims before the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the fact reveals some lack of provision by the team of advisors of the Party.\u000AThe examples above mentioned show an opening between NPPs and Catholics to work together in politics. Perhaps these new attitudes could contribute to strengthen\u000A148See details of Agenda Nacional de Desarrollo y plan de Gobierno Proyecto Pol\u00EDtico Viva: Visi\u00F3n con valores party in\u000A149 \u2018Harold Caballeros sale en busca del Pa\u00EDs de las Maravillas\u2019, by Enrique Navega, Guatemala, domingo 19 de noviembre de 2006. Accessed l4/8/07 150\u2018\u00C1lvaro Colom busca atraer voto joven Presidenciable charla en programa radial con Harold Caballeros\u2019 by Luisa F. Rodr\u00EDguez. Prensa Libre Guatemala, 184778.html Accessed 12/10/07\u000A 331\u000A

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