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breaking down the ethnic barriers as the intensity of \u2018conversion\u2019 confers a new identity which transcends other identities. Later he emphasizes that this identity can help to create democratic virtues like tolerance, respect, moderation, cooperation and commitment (1998: 347). This effect can also be transferred to overcoming certain racial barriers in the Guatemalan context. Cajas says that \u2018This presence in society is the contribution of Protestantism in favour of democracy that has happened for a hundred years already and which has brought political consequences to the country\u2019 (1985: 10).\u000AFinally, they support building up and integrating families. Generally this contribution of the evangelical churches goes unnoticed. However, the building up and permanence of integrated families is essential for society. It is just this absence of integrity in Guatemalan and Central American families which has contributed to the rise of the \u201Cmaras\u201D (youth gangs) that are looking for a sense of belonging and community. The preoccupation of the NPCs for matrimonial enrichment and healthy families is an important contribution to build up society and also to strengthen the democratic process..\u000AC. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS\u000AWhat is the final result of the investigation? As indicated at the beginning of this chapter, the study concentrates its attention on the role and its social presence of the NPCs in order to verify if these churches contribute to promote social reform in Guatemala. According to Stoll the reform must have social, economic, political and cultural repercussions at the national level. From that perspective, the study shows that the NPCs do not generate a movement of social reform.\u000AAccording to the pattern of reference used on the social responsibility of Sider, these churches essentially provide social aid to the needy, and some of these churches stimulate the social development, but they do not form a movement of social reform that includes structural change. On the other hand, the study shows that these churches contribute in favour of the social change in the sphere of the values discussed before. It is\u000A343\u000A