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much easier to see how Protestantism has contributed to help individuals and families improve the spiritual and social dimension of their lives than to confront the structural problems of society.\u000A1. They do not lead a movement of social change\u000AThe NPCs do not have an agenda for social transformation. Their centre of mission is the proclamation of the gospel of salvation. Evangelism occupies the centre of their mission with a call to conversion. The Evangelical motto is \u2018change the life of the people and you change the country\u2019. According to the Evangelicals this insistence on conversion and personal ethics is due to the deeper problem, the sinful nature of the human being and its consequent effects in the society. For the NPS the social change is part of conversion that provides the possibility transforming the personal life of believers, and their communities. The NPS emphasis on the change of spiritual and moral life makes sense in a context of corruption which is eroding the society in different ways. But in the end the individual vision of the conversion undermines the social dimension of the gospel. Its social impact cannot be seen at the level of the structures of the country. Among these churches, according to the El Shaddai church\u2019s leadership, salvation of the country is not limited to the spiritual sphere. As noted before, from the El Shaddai eschatological worldview, the conversion of the country has political and economic implications. The big question for the Neo-Pentecostal politicians is that of how they will use political power and if they are willing or not to confront the socio-political structures which have made society unequal.\u000AMost pastors of NPCs and other evangelical pastors do not face the structural problems that affect the country. The treatment of poverty, the social and economic inequality almost does not have space in their agendas of preaching, with the exception of the case of Caballeros as was mentioned in Chapter four. In general, the pastor\u2019s emphasis is on individual sin and the social dimension has less importance. They emphasize the\u000A344\u000A