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the dominators (Neo-Pentecostal) re-affirm their position regarding the crisis (1998:273). Without detracting from the sociological implications, this approach obscures the wider picture as well as the church\u00B4s task whether the church is a Neo-Pentecostal one or not.\u000AAndrew Walls notes that many investigating today assume that the political and social effects of a religious movement comprise their original intention, when in fact they are indirect effects (1993: 35). In this same line Jeffrey Klaider affirms that the social and cultural changes are the context but not the reason for the remarkable religious transformation that nowadays is occurring in the Continent (in Padilla 1999: 14). It is important then to have in mind the theological and sociological nature of the church. This task implies an open theological and sociological attitude in order to approach correctly the churches, and their role and mission in the world.\u000AAccording to some scholars of the religious phenomenon in Guatemala the effect of these churches as far as changes of values and attitudes is indirect (Vel\u00E1zquez 1998:11). This perspective underlines that the role of the church is not in the political trenches, but at the heart of civil society. This means that the NPCs and the other Evangelicals need to forge and articulate a Christian worldview that is pertinent to both the gospel and society. It also places certain boundaries expected of the church in its political role. On other hand, the NPCs also need to revise their theology because they have the tendency to add new things to their beliefs and praxis without the needed biblical filter. With a sense of urgency there is a need to deepen the significance, nature and outreach of the church as a \u2018Kingdom of God community\u2019 within the social context of the country. Numeric growth and the building of mega churches, tends to deviate attention and the feeling of what it means to be a fraternal community ready to share with the world.\u000AThe NPCS and all the Evangelicals will be able to have a major impact if the social capital that they possess is qualified and can take part from different angles in the civil society in favour of social change: \u2018The contribution of the Protestant Church to forge a national project must basically be seen in the area of definition, promotion and interjection\u000A354\u000A

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