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In one church the survey went to a sample of the general congregation as no other space was offered. The NPS of those churches are very careful about people who come to analyse religious phenomena, especially if the subject is related to some social issues. In spite of the inconvenience found and the lack of experience of the researcher, the results of the survey, in many ways reflect the same tendencies given in the interviews of the lay people. This analysis requires further study to deepen the research into the role and social presence in society, and the development of social programmes which are beginning to emerge among them.\u000AA second survey was carried out with a group of Neo-Pentecostal entrepreneurs and professionals involved in organizations of the State, private companies or owners of their own companies (SNPEP, Survey of Neo-Pentecostal Entrepreneurs and Professionals). The survey went to ten members of each church in order to get to know their thinking and social participation. This group represented a minimum sampling of the entrepreneurs or professionals who began to emerge from within the NPCs. Among the entrepreneurs the experience was different. They showed some resistance to the surveys and restlessness due to the climate of insecurity that prevails in the country.\u000AGeneralized fear exists in the population about giving personal information due to the threat of the common practice of kidnapping. In fact during one of interviews one of the pastors was warned that a member of his church had been kidnapped in a supermarket. The interview was cancelled. In spite of the entrepreneurs\u2019 tight work schedule they were open and cooperated with the researcher\u2019s work. The survey was made at their place of work. In the interviews carried out the researcher observed the impetus and entrepreneurial spirit of the interviewed NPL with regard to their companies. The pastors\u2019 help was very important in the whole process of interviews and making surveys.\u000A38\u000A